Kansas Motor Carriers Association
Mailing Address & Physical Address:
2900 SW Topeka Blvd.
Topeka, KS 66611
(785) 267-1641 (phone)
(785) 266-6551 (fax)
We are here to help.
Please reach out directly to our staff, or, if you are unsure who to contact, call (785) 267-1641 or use the form at the bottom of this page to reach out. We will connect you with the person who can best help you.
Liz Icenogle, CAE - Liz.Icenogle@kmca.org Executive Director Travis Grauerholz - TravisG@bhlandassociates.com
Lori Borgan - Lori.Borgan@kmca.org Director of Safety and Membership Services
Tracey Libel - traceyl@kmca.org Director of Commercial Vehicle Registration
Jeny Grubb - jgrubb@kmca.org Director of Financial Services
Executive Administrative Assistant