The Kansas Motor Carriers Association monitors the legislative session each year. During the session, KMCA works to ensure that the Kansas Trucking Industry has representation in regard to bills moving through the process that align with KMCA's mission and vision.
KMCA hosts the Kansas Trucking Industry Day at the Capitol annually.
This year, we will gather on Tuesday, February 25th. The legislative dinner will be held at Townsite Tower beginning at 5:45pm.
KMCA members meet with members of the House and Senate Transportation Committee and the Legislative leadership to share about the power of trucking in Kansas.
On the Federal level, KMCA partners with members to coordinate a bi-annual Call on Washington. Members and KMCA staff meet with members of congress to talk about relevant topics and share the vision for the Kansas Trucking Industry.
The Kansas Legislature consists of a 125-member House of Representatives and a 40-member Senate. Representatives are elected for a two-year term and Senators are elected for a four-year term. The Legislature convenes on the second Monday in January for an annual session and generally adjourns in mid April. During the interim period joint and special committees meet to discuss issues assigned to them by Legislative leadership or by statute.
The Legislature is supported by five non-partisan staff agencies: Kansas Legislative Research Department, Revisor of Statutes, Legislative Administrative Services, Office of Information Services and, Legislative Division of Post Audit. In addition, the offices of the Chief Clerk of the House and the Secretary of the Senate are responsible for the operations of the respective chambers under the direction of elected leadership. The general public can access the legislative process through its elected Senators and Representatives or through participation in committee activity.