Kansas Motor Carriers Services  
Supplies you need priced below truck stop prices!
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  Item No: Item Description Cost Quantity Extended Amount  
  1046 Accident Investigation Kit  $     5.85  
488 Accident Register  $   22.10
2240 Annual Inspection Form  $     1.00
49-SN Annual Inspection Decal  $     1.00
691 Application for Employment (paper stock)  $     1.50
21-BLS-A3 862 Bill of Lading (single sheet/triplicate)  $     0.32
106-BC(RT)1789 Certification of Road Test Pocket Card  $     0.50
27593 CSA Handbook  $   11.00
848/9725 Driver Qualification File & Driver History File (2 files)  $   16.50
324 Driver Qualification/Driver ID Wallet Card  $     0.50
DTS Driver Trip Sheets (pad of 50)  $     5.00
47045 Emergency Response Guidebook (4x6)  $     4.50
65250 Hazardous Materials Compliance Pocketbook  $     6.00
8881 HOS & Driver Logs Workbook (8x11)  $   15.25
48553 HOS Handbook  $     9.55
854-F 9619 Inquiry to Past Employers (pad of 50)  $   11.50
PU Inspection & Maintenance Record; Power Unit (pad of 50)  $     5.00
ST Inspection & Maintenance Record; Semi-Trailer (pad of 50)  $     5.00
LOG Log Books (Driver Duplicates) (price per book)  $     3.00
LOG Case Log Books (Driver Duplicates) (case of 100)   $ 300.00
8547 Looseleaf Log Sheets (Full Sheet)  $     0.40
8528 Looseleaf Log Sheets (Half Sheet)  $     0.35
8528 case Looseleaf Log Sheets (Half Sheet) (Case of 1000)  $ 250.00
DQF25 Medical Forms (25 forms)  $   25.00
47377 Medical Examination Certificate -Small  $     1.55
SET 1 Card & 1 Form  $     1.60
BUNDLE 25 Cards & 25 Forms  $   40.00
765 Safety Regulation Management Edition (8x11)  $   22.50
347 Safety Regulations (4x6)  $     5.00
37B-CPBD Vehicle Inspection Report Book (Simplified-Triplicate)  $     2.25
723 Vehicle Inspection Report Book (Triplicate)  $     4.50
129-F 1958 Vehicle Maintenance File  $     2.85
  66630 Violations & Review Record Pad  $   12.00  
     20% Surcharge for Non Members:   
 Shipping Charge: 
 COD Charge: 
     Handling Charge per Shipment:   $             2.00  
 Estimated total order BEFORE taxes: 
 Any package weighing over 10 pounds will be subject to a $10.00 additional fee 
 Deliveries to residential addresses will be subject to a $5.25 additional fee 
 TAXES and actual freight will be calculated on your shipping location and will be added to your order. 
 Special Orders Available Upon Request!